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The independent Change Agent Network*

enabling the transformation of
people, organisations & cultures

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‘Changing the Game’

e-news for Change Agents everywhere

 August 2005


  1. The change agent network – a new community of practice
  2. Professional development for change agents
  3. results and pics from DSRD seminar “The Art and Practice of the Change Agent”
  4. Abstract from BOSS Magazine article POWERPOINT: IS IT KILLING YOUR BUSINESS?
  5. FAST Company article from 1996 ‘the seven sins of deadly meetings’
  6. Links and resources for change agents

1. The ‘Change Agent’ Network Launched
Following the successful launch of the change agent network, the next meeting will be on Tuesday August 2 from 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm.
Café Conti
31A Fennell St North Parramatta (near corner of Church St - plenty of parking)
RSVP preferred, FREE Membership; Donation to cover costs (estimate $10).
Contact: Greg Jenkins P: 02 9874 0418 M: 0418 486 501 greg@tincanlearning.com

2. Professional Development Courses for ‘Change Agents’
Public courses

July – Sept 2005

Change Agent 101 – Dynamic Meetings & Workshops

  • July 29 & 30 (Fri Sat), North Sydney
  • August 30 &31 (Tue, Wed) Parramatta

Social and Environmental Responsibility

  • Basic skills for Change Agents
  • One Day September 14

Contact: Greg Jenkins P: 02 9874 0418 M: 0418 486 501




3. The Art & Practice of the ‘Change Agent’

More than 40 change agents attended this session hosted by Department of State and Regional Development Monday July 4 2005 at North Parramatta

It was so successful that we have been invited to repeat the session in October.

To see a photo gallery and outputs from the workshop go to http://www.tincanlearning.com/TinCAN_Community.htm



Extract from “The phluff factor” by Luke Collins in the Financial Review BOSS magazine, 8th July 2005.

PowerPoint is more ubiquitous than ever in today’s workplaces. Microsoft estimates that about 30 million PowerPoint presentations are made every day with over 400 million users of the software globally. Now that’s a lot of mind-numbing presentations. Has this tool and other technological advances really helped us to communicate more effectively?

Yale University Professor Edward Tufte is not a fan of Microsoft’s PowerPoint software which he declares is so “stupid” and “evil” that no “serious person” would use it. PowerPoint can turn good communicators into “droning commentators”.

Tufte compares PowerPoint to a designer drug with serious side effects such as: making us stupid, degrading the quality and credibility of our communication, turning us into bores and wasting our colleagues’ time.

We have become so reliant on PowerPoint, that it has become a costly expense to companies. One example mentioned in the article was when NASA’s Columbia Investigation Board was forced to endure several PowerPoint sessions, which failed to address vital information which should have been investigated prior to the ill-fated space shuttle Columbia crash.

Another example is when the audience has broken into spontaneous applause not when PowerPoint presentations begin, but when the equipment fails.

We at TinCAN agree whole heartedly with the author. All our programs are PowerPoint-free zones which enables maximum cross-pollination learning and engagement.

Read the full text http://www.afrboss.com.au/magarticle.asp?doc_id=24773&listed_months=1

5. The Seven Sins of Deadly Meetings

Fast Company Magazine April/May 1996. Has anything changed since 1996?

The seven sins of deadly meetings 

§         People don't take meetings seriously

§         Meetings are too long

§         People wander off the topic

§         Nothing happens after the meeting - no action

§         People don't tell the truth

§         People aren't prepared for meetings -critical data missing

§         Meetings never seem to improve

Read the full text http://www.fastcompany.com/magazine/02/meetings.html


6. Links and resources for ‘Change Agents’:

Action Learning Research (ALARPM) http://www.alarpm.org.au/

AFN Annual Conference Perth WA November 2005: http://www.facilitatorconf2005.org/

Appreciative Inquiry Commons http://appreciativeinquiry.cwru.edu/

Australasian Facilitators Network email list (AFN-L): http://lists.scu.edu.au/mailman/listinfo/afn-l

Asia Facilitators Network http://finance.groups.yahoo.com/group/AsiaFacilitatorsNetwork_Announcements/

Change Management Toolbook www.change-management-toolbook.com

Groupwork Institute of Australia http://www.groupwork.com.au/

IAF Asia Conference Malaysia 11-13 August 2005 www.facilitatorsmalaysia.org

International Coach Federation (ICF) Sydney Chapter icfsyd@yahoo.com.au

Intl Society for Performance Improvement (ISPI) Syd Chapter http://www.ispisydney.org.au/

OD Australia http://www.odaustralia.org/pageview.php3?page=home

Open Space Technology www.openspaceworld.org Harrison Owen www.openspaceworld.com

ourcommunity.com.au http://www.ourcommunity.com.au/

Small Business NSW (DSRD) www.smallbusiness.nsw.gov.au

Society for Organisational Learning Australia (SOLA) http://www.solaustralia.org/

The Facilitators Network (Sydney) Email nwinterburn@conversations.com.au

UWS School of Social Ecology http://handbook.uws.edu.au/hbook/course.asp?course=1579

Victorian Facilitators Network Ed Mckinley edd@itu.com.au

The World Café http://www.theworldcafe.com/

