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'Changing the Game’ | Issue No 6, December 2005

TinCAN Learning Company | learning to change the world



  1. TinCAN Events: Public Course 'Change Agent 101' - 10 essential tools for Change Facilitation;
    new Corporate Crisis Facilitation
  2. Partner Events:
  3. Features: "The 10 Business Excellence Principles"; "Death by Meeting"
  4. Links & Resources for Change Agents:

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1. TinCAN Events

1.1. Change Agent 101 –‘10 essential Change Facilitation tools’ - Parramatta, December 2

Change Agent 101 is a fusion of the best practices from a range of the most popular facilitation approaches from around the world in a tight package of methodologies, tools, scripts and tips.

Change Agent 101 is a synthesis of the most useful components of proven methodologies and approaches that are scalable for all sized groups for workshops times between 90 minutes or less and several days.

In this workshop you will learn how to: devise powerful focus questions; gather, sort, cluster and analyse diverse information; cross pollinate information to delve deeper into the data for more informed outcomes; devise action plans and gain commitment from everyone based on a unique traction scaling system; run modular, scalable workshops or all sized groups that range between 60 minutes and 2-3 days; use modules individually or together for both quick problem solving and achieving sustainable outcomes; use the F-R-A-C-T-A-L universal workshop methodology

In addition you will also learn how to: attain and sustain high levels of involvement, energy and commitment from participants; how to eliminate outmoded structural constraints such as ‘U shapes’ and ‘big tables’; create ‘PowerPoint-Free-Zones’ for maximum learning and involvement; eliminate fear, energy drain and failure to get to the ‘truth’; solve problems, develop strategies and manage risk cooperatively with all options explored and unprecedented buy-in from participants; allow people to move on with trust, engagement, passion and commitment so that they do what they say they will do; deal effectively with resistance

Uniqueness: This program is stripped to the bare essentials without filler or superfluous theory; A workbook containing 10 tools and processes with scripts for immediate use.

Suitable for: New and intermediate facilitators, project leaders, consultants, workshop presenters, coaches etc.

Program Details: 1 day course; Friday December 2, 9:30am to 4.30pm; Parramatta; Discounts for groups and new facilitators. Facilitator: Greg Jenkins. This course runs regularly - subject to minimum numbers. Contact: Greg Jenkins P: 02 9874 0418 M: 0418 486 501. info@tincanlearning.com  | Register Online


1.2 new Corporate Crisis Facilitation

Given the streamlining of business over the last 20 years there is no longer any fat built in to your staffing levels. So if and when a crisis hits unless you are prepared you will be seriously impacted. What's your plan? How will your business respond? Who will keep the business running? A public health issue such as bird flu could have a major economic impact. In addition there are issues that could trigger a crisis including the environment, loss of key staff, unexpected killer competition, systems or plant failure, inability to secure intellectual property, price wars and product recall to name a few.

We have developed an affordable DIY approach called 'Corporate Crisis Facilitation' comprising short in-workplace workshops, coaching, a crisis facilitation tool-kit, network mapping, a crisis simulation game and web based resources and community support.

For your free Corporate Crisis Facilitation Check List email info@tincanlearning.com or call Greg Jenkins 02 9874 0418.


2. Partner & Community Events

2.1 Facilitators Network Sydney: December 12, 2005

Guest facilitator for December is Dr Ken Hudson is one of Australia’s leading experts on innovation and imagination. He combines over 16 years senior management experience with organisations such as Citibank (product manager) and American Express (marketing director) with a Ph.D. on the topic “Designing a Continuously Creative Organisation” at The University of Western Sydney (School of Social Ecology and Lifelong Learning) in 2001.

He founded The Idea Centre in 1996 and has researched or worked with over 50 organisations including Wrigleys, DuPont, Smiths Snackfoods, Kellogg’s, AMP, and The Disney Channel.

5.30pm - 7.30pm Monday, December 12, Room 5.580 UTS Jones Street. No RSVP required, just turn up. Enquiries Greg Jenkins 02 9864 0418 or greg@tincanlearning.com


2.2 Real Life Rehearsals Workshops - for secondary school teachers (7, 8 & 13 December 2005)

 Teenagers need to be quick-witted and streetwise to handle the reality of the 21st century. 

How do teenagers:Refuse the offer of a drink even when subjected to pressure to "lighten up and have a drink with the gang"?  Avoid a lift in a car with a drunk driver - or anyone else they don't want to go with? Avoid unsafe sex? How do your students gain the skills to overcome successfully deal with these problems? The answer is Real Life Rehearsals - a 10-step, interactive teaching method that engages teenagers, keeps them focussed. Facilitated by Mark McPherson (MEd, BSc, DipEd, GradDipPsych, GradDipEdStud-Health) a former: Principal Policy Advisor and Coordinator Drug Programs Coordination Unit, NSW Police; Area HIV/AIDS and Sexual Health Coordinator,  NSW Health; Manager Professional Development, CEIDA; Senior Education Officer, Drug and Alcohol Studies, TAFE, and; health and science teacher. www.markmcpherson.com.au, email info@markmcpherson.com.au, 02 9565 4560 or 0403 914 835


2.3 Consultants Club - Sydney with Ian Benjamin

Tuesday 29 November, 2005, Mercure Ultimo, 383 Bulwara Road, Ultimo 7-10pm



2.4 EcoValues - a community of practice in social change

Our social actions shape the environmental outcomes we live with day to day. How we perceive our relationships to each other, our work, our society, our cultures, and the physical world is a narrative construction always changing, always shaping. Aboriginal Australia has understood this for millennia, they describe it as singing the country and my place in it into being, and in singing the country they are both creating and being created at the same time. Deep social change is needed to enable ecologically sustainable living; we need to change our songs, only then can we effectively apply the scientific/technical levers and solutions that are already at hand. This forum is a community of passionate people who are willing to take responsibility to design and build social solutions to enable ecologically sustainable living. It is a forum to exchange ideas, take risks, and experiment, especially in areas that are considered taboo or are deeply entrenched worldviews.


3. Features:


3.1.  The 10 Business Excellence Principles - Geoff Bell

Geoff Bell has written a classic based on Australian and overseas business excellence frameworks.

Geoff explains that the real difference that makes some organisations more successful than others is the 10 Business Excellence Principles:

  1. The senior executives’ constant role-modelling of the 10 Business Excellence Principles and creation of a supportive environment are necessary to achieve the company’s potential.

  2. Clear direction allows company alignment and a focus on achievement of goals.

  3. Providing what your customers value – now and in the future – must be an essential influence in your company’s direction, strategy and action.

  4. In order to improve the outcome, improve the system and it’s associated processes.

  5. Effective use of facts, data and knowledge leads to improved decisions.

  6. All systems and processes exhibit variability, which affects predictability and performance.

  7. The potential of a company is realised through it’s people’s enthusiasm, resourcefulness and participation.

  8. Continual improvement and innovation depends on continual learning.

  9. The company’s action to ensure a clean, safe, fair and prosperous society enhances the perception of its value to the community.

  10. Sustainability is determined by a company’s ability to create and deliver value for all stakeholders. 


   Geoffrey Bell. "The Competitive Enterprise" 10 principles of business excellence for increased market share, McGraw Hill.  2002.


3.2 Death by Meeting

"Meetings," the economist John Kenneth Galbraith once opined, "are indispensable when you don't want to do anything." Most meetings are a waste of time, or worse. Patrick Lencioni in his book Death by Meeting (Jossey-Bass, 2004) says it need not be so. "I never accepted the premise that meetings themselves were bad," he says--just that most meetings are done badly.

Some basic principles according to Lenconi:



4. Links & Resources for Change Agents

NEW: Trends in Living Networks http://www.rossdawsonblog.com/

NEW  EcoValues - a community of practice in social change http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ecovalues

Click here for essential links and resources for Change Agents

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+ 61 2 9874 0418
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