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Facilitation Courses
1. QUEST | Change Facilitation Toolkit | Mentoring Program
What would it take to facilitate meetings and workshops that engage people, get to the heart of an issue, explore options, make decisions, empower champions, initiate change and get things done? What difference would it make if change were implemented collaboratively and people who commit to action, actually do what they say they will do? QUEST | Facilitating Change Toolkit is a blend of today's best practice and ideas with more than 24 scripted tools and links to hundreds of resources. Workshops: universal approach for facilitating scalable vision strategy, culture, sustainability, change and workshops for any other purpose. Project meetings: is ideal for project meetings and other complex meetings saving time, increasing energy, engaging people and getting things done. Suitable for Business, Education, Community.
Course Content QUEST is a comprehensive blend of today's best practice and ideas with more than 24 scripted tools and links to hundreds of resources that will change your meetings and workshops forever.
================================================== 2. Facilitating Community Collaboration | Experiential Workshop
Community collaboration | Stakeholder Partnerships | Strategic Planning One Day Workshop Taster Local Government | Community Partnerships | NGOs | Government | Business Selecting & Applying Collaboration Tools Collaboration with the community, NGOs, utilities, business, government, associations and each other, is the great challenge of the next decade. It is no longer enough to just involve, consult and inform. Collaboration bridges the gap, between corporate outcomes and community energy. It is the common ingredient in all current participation trends and initiatives.
What are the benefits? Build your capacity to achieve both corporate outcomes and community aspirations. Build community spirit by running energising community gatherings where everyone is heard and things get done. Select the most effective tools for maximum outcomes from project and business meetings. Save consultants fees by building internal and community facilitation capacity. Develop a robust organisation culture via dynamic 30 minute project meetings that get more work done in less time with less effort. LG: Select and use tools that will achieve outcomes in implementing the integrated planning and reporting framework. [Community Strategic Plan | Resourcing Strategy | Delivery Program | Operational Plans]
Who will benefit? Project managers, partnership brokers, corporate planners, general managers, sustainability educators, community liaison officers, directors, change agents, councillors and anyone who runs meetings or works with community.
What do you get?
Tool Selector comprising 24 Tools · Customise a tool selector for your own needs · A live practical experience with 15 core Tools · Learn what tools work best in different situations · Capacity building in DIY facilitation · Dynamic workbook · Optional upgrade to advanced program [QUEST]
Locations and Dates:
© 2005-2010
Learning Company
Pty Ltd | ABN: 24 091 194
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